Keep your home clean and safe from germs. Choose from our range of service packages designed to eradicate odors and germs from your trash bins.
For businesses, our dumpster cleaning and sanitizing services guarantee a clean and inviting environment for your customers.
Regular pressure washing helps to preserve your property’s exterior, creating more curb appeal and a positive first impression.
A small amount of waste buildup can turn your bins into breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and germs. Our advanced 360-degree cleaning heads, fueled by water heated to over 200°F, remove dirt and debris from every corner of your bins. Paired with a potent disinfectant, we ensure the complete elimination of lingering bacteria, leaving your bins truly clean and safe.
Your trash bins are placed in your preferred location, assuring you that they are clean, disinfected, and deodorized.
Hilton Head
Port Royal
St. Helena
We are a local South Carolina trash bin cleaning business committed to providing effective trash bin cleaning services that work for your budget. Our services are designed to protect you from the potential hazards of bacterial and fungal infections commonly found in uncleaned garbage bins and dumpsters. Choose Prestige Bin Cleaning Service to create a cleaner, safer environment today!